There's an inherent beauty in a grand curve, a graceful sweep, an elegant edge. It creates accessibility without need for initiation or explanation, simplicity that counters what would otherwise be overwhelming complexity.

With a beginner’s eye we can be in awe of the grandeur, feel our perspective shift and expand as we observe, experiencing the overview effect like an astronaut stunned by the landscape. All the reasons drop away as we find ourselves in the moment, drinking it in, not needing to be anything more than we are to experience beauty without judgement.

As humanity takes steps beyond the boundaries of our home planet, the definition of a landscape painting evolves as we let our minds roam.

From a place of freedom the underlying abstract elements come into being ‐ chaotic application of fluid acrylic abstract alchemy, watercolour textures ‐ deployed through technical experimental process art based in the present moment. 

Upon further inspection an association is made and the contrast of texture is mated with high resolution digital capture and collage. The infinite analog converts to the scalable digital.

Playing the tracks of colours and textures, the elements of this visual mixset evolve into alignment.


I play my message of consciousness expansion to the rising sun’s rays as they fall off the edge of the world. My brush redefines itself with each use.

In being here and now, we are our most authentic. From this place we can witness. 

From our new vantage point, there is so much more to consider.